Friday, August 31, 2007

I feel like I need to post..............

but I don't know what. lol I have been taking this week, and trying to concentrate more on my family. I haven't done anything special, so I haven't done a good job. But I am trying to teach myself how to make a happy home. You know, one where the mom's most used comment is not "You are fixing to make me lose it." Gee, do you know how many times I say this or a version of this to my kids. It is either making them feel bad about themselves, or like their mom is extremely unstable and they should be scared of me. They have nothing to fear from me, at least most of the time. I am all bark, and very little bite. They do know this, I guess that is why that statement is made so much by me. But, it seems the more I stress over this, the more often I am thinking that I am going to lose it, or the more I am incapable of dealing with things. I have subconsciously convinced myself I am unstable. What kind of strong, self confident kids can I raise, it they are convinces I am a "loony person". So, I am going to seriously pay more attention to what comments I use while dealing with kids. Ok, my mind rambled a mile a minute while I was typing this, so just ignore it, it is literally my thoughts that are coming to me as I type, and they might only make sense to me. (Like most of my thoughts, lol)

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