Monday, September 24, 2007

Revival Fire Fall

We are having revival this week at church. Bro Ben has been doing a wonderful job getting us ready. We are striving for personal revival. He described revival as "Not when the top blows off, but when the bottom drops out." I didn't understand at first. I am learning quick. I am really concentrating on my prayer life, unrepented sin, and complete focus on Jesus. It was great, because our Beth Moore study last night focused on Prayer. It was such an inspiration. I am loving that too. I am also reading, and following closely I might add, a great book "Returning to Holiness" by Dr Gregory Frizzel. It is pointing out the sins that keep us from Jesus. The things you don't realize are sin is very humbling. But the feeling of repenting for all those sins and being free from them is miraculous. This week will be the great start of a new me!

As we lift up Your name

Let Your fire fall

Send Your wind and Your rain

On Your wings of love
As we lift up Your name

Let Your kingdom come

Have Your way in this place

Let Your will be done
Pour out from Heaven

Your passion and presenceBring down

Your burning desire
Revival fire fallRevival fire fall

Fall on us here

With the power of Your Spirit Father, let revival fire fall
Revival fire fall

Revival fire fall

Let the flame consume us

With hearts ablaze for JesusFather, let revival fire fall


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Don't let Satan get your goat!

The last week or so has been awful. You know why? I let it be. I was self consumed with problems, mainly my husband's but I took them as mine. In that self consuming "worry", I took my eyes off Jesus and looked on my husband. I prayed almost constantly for Michael. I worried, I cried, I felt sorry for myself because he was having problems. In a way, I committed Idolatry. I put someone else before God. But I did it is such a way that I couldn't see it. I mean, I was praying for him. I was pleading his case, 15 times a day for him to God. And, it wasn't working, I was sinking deeper in. Well, I was talking to a precious friend, and she said something it the effect of, "Don't let Satan know where you have tied your goat." Huh? Think about it, it took me a second. My husband was my goat. I was not focusing on Jesus, because I was focusing on Michael, and I allowed Satan to get my goat. I was letting him affect my whole family, because I let him get me. Now, Michael is still in a mess. But I am not. I know that God will pull Michael up out of this pit, only when God is ready. But I don't have to jump in the pit with him. I quit telling God what Michael needs in my prayers, I bet God really hated that. Now, I am praying that God can help me keep my eyes on Him, and be the wife I need to be to help Michael through this. But I am helpless to do anything else. I am sure, I will falter on this. I have been of and on, even once realization hit. But at least now, I recognize the falter, and immediately try to focus on Jesus. Isn't it amazing how we let problems get to us, even when we think "I prayed, I gave it to Jesus." If you truly give it to Jesus, than you continue to look to him to help you, not back at the problem. When you are looking at the problem, you are allowing Satan to get your goat.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

There is a reason

for the way things happen. I just wish it was more clear cut. I feel like there must be some wonderful things in store for my family, because Satan is trying so hard to destroy what God is building. When I look at things this way, I can have hope. Because when I look at the facts, I feel dismal. But I have to remember, God is good. And God is in control. But it is up to us to keep him in control, because when we try to control it ourselves, we go in the other direction. I looked up some versed on stress and worry yesterday. And the repeated fact was, Give it to God. But oh my that is hard. And not because we want to fix it, because we don't know how.......but because we want to have something to stress over, lol. I was letting the worriesome things over power me, and I asked, "What do I do?" and all of a sudden, the words to a song my husbands group sings went through my head........

I must cry out to my Lord today
I must cry out, when he passes my way.
He will answer when I call
He'll meet my needs, tho great or small.
I must trust and not doubt,
I must cry out.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

1st day of school..........

Today is crazy! I have a husband still battling a dentist, a cell phone, and just general stuff that I seem to have to do. Plus, we are starting school. ANd since I have delayed, I had nothing organized. So, we are organizing notebooks, taking placement tests, getting familiar with new books all while I am trying to clean the house, deal with husband stuff, and try not to go crazy! But you not what, I love it. I love feeling like a have a purpose. I love hearing my kids ask to help because they need an explanation. I even love the question, "Mom, I am through! What do I do next?". I love knowing that I am truly making a difference in their lives. That I am helping them with who they are going to become, and these kids are going to be something special! I love getting to see that, not someone who might truly appreciate them getting to see it, if she notices and then sending them home with so much homework that I can't appreciate them, ;-P. In other words, I love homeschooling! I still need to get books, but I am still teaching my children! My house is feeling right today!

I will update in a month, bet my attitude won't be so happy then! lol

Monday, September 3, 2007

This video says it all............

Prayers needed!

My husband is having a really bad time with his teeth. He has had infection for at least 4 weeks now, and after 3 rounds of antibiotics, it isn't clearing up. He has a very important sing this weekend. It is at our home church for Homecoming, and it is also the pastor and his wife's last month there. The pastor's wife is one of my dearest friends, so I want their last homecoming to be special, and I want her to hear him sing at least once. So, I want him to be able to sing. He can't if his mouth is still like it is today, and he won't if he has to have his front teeth pulled. So, please pray that God can help him. Ease the pain, take away the infection, or find a solution that doesn't involve losing his front teeth. We don't have the money to pay to have them fixed right now, but I know God can figure it out for us, so please pray that his mind and his pain can be lifted.

Thanks so much!