Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I love music!!!

I remember growing up, my dad had a fit when I listened to Madonna. He said music effect you, I said, "No, dad. It doesn't change who I am, it's just a song." But oh, now being a grown up, I see it does. When you listen to music that is constantly talking about going to Da club, or being All jacked seeps in somewhere and you eventual think that behaviour is ok because you have let it in to your life. I am trying to teach my children this, wish me luck!

I start almost everyday with a song in my head. Since Michael started singing with Perfect Grace, I have been singing a lot of their songs. I love the Christian music movement that is going on right now. Where I live, we can get 2 or 3 different contemporary Christian radio stations. Unfortunately, they don't play southern gospel,:( which is my favorite listening to music right now. But I love having a song about Jesus in my head all the time. It lifts up my spirits and it is very encouraging. So, I am going to post the lyrics to one of the songs that is currently going through my head! If I get the time, I might even figure out how to put it on here. :)

Recorded by: The McKameys on Tennessee Live
Copyright 1984 The Eddie Crook Co.


1. I started out to win this race
To serve the Lord and to look upon His face.
But the way's been long and the way's been rough,
But there's one thing for certain, I've got my mind made up.

I've got my foot on the Rock and my mind's made up.
Though I walk through the lonely valley, though I drink from the bitter cup.
When the devil comes a-knockin' showin' me an easier way,
I stand right square on my feet, I throw my head in the air,
I look him straight in the eye, I say, my foot's on the Rock and my mind's made up!

2. Now Job was a man who was tempted in every way,
The devil took his family, he lay sick night and day.
His wife she came a-sayin', "Curse God, you've had enough!"
He said, "You talk like a foolish woman, I've got my mind made up."


3. The devil he will tempt you and fill your way with strife,
He'll make you sick in body, even try to take your life.
Just put your trust in Jesus and say, "Lord, I've had enough."
The Lord will say, "Move on, Satan, he's got his mind made up."




Praise and Coffee said...

Hi Robyn,
Your blog is very encouraging! I love the name of it.

I love music too, Hillsongs has some of my favorite worship songs.


Unknown said...

Oh, music does make us who we are and what we believe. My friend is always encouraging me to put on worship music when things are going badly. I fight it, but once I do, I feel so much better!

Love the song.

~Robyn~ said...

I have it playing right now! lol