Saturday, July 28, 2007

So much in my head!

It is scary! I am so excited for tonight. The kids are also excited, which is great, since at least Holly is not a fan of Southern Gospel. But of course, she is going through a secular music phase, I am trying to get her out of it. It is kind of a top 40 thing, but the music is not appropriate for an 11 year old girl. Then, my 2 oldest sons are wanting to play and read all the war craft and those type games. I am also trying to get them out of it. I don't want to ban them from it, because then it is my decision. I want them, through prayer and God's word, to chose him and not chose the world. If it ever got to bad, of course I would put my foot down, but I am really trying to let it be there decision. I try to use certain scriptures and what not. The funny thing is, I use Harry Potter and the war type games as an example all the time, but it is has just recently hit me, Pokemon is just as bad. Now, if my boys had to give up there Pokemon games, they would be devastated. That being said, they need to chose God. To some Christians all the isn't a big deal, I am on the fence, in moderation I sometimes feel it is OK, because it isn't real people and such. But I also know that even in a cartoon form, they still are not doing God's will. lol Okay, I am rambling, this was just on my mind, so I figured I would try to type it out. Kind of like trouble shooting on the puter.

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