Friday, July 20, 2007

Life is good!! (Eternal life is better!!)

That is Luke's (4) favorite song. He walks around singing that, and "My God is an Awesome God" all the time. It makes my heart sing to hear him. No, he doesn't completely understand, but he is living in a home that mostly promotes it. I say mostly, because we are human........but God loves us despite of it. And through his love, we are all striving to live more through Him.

My husband, the light of my life , has just joined a southern gospel group, Perfect Grace. I am so very happy and thanking Jesus so much for this. I know that the evil one is going to try to tear all of this apart. But I will praise God each time he does, because that means we (Michael especially) is doing a good thing. I am thankful for the example that this will set for my children. God has truly gave me such wonderful children. There is something so special about each one of them that makes me just Praise God they are "mine" and scare me that He trusts me enough to be the guiding hand behind such wonderful people.

So that is the update I have for right now. I will keep things updated better, (maybe) But, I just want you all to know, that God is so good, All the time!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Robyn, that is great. Taylor's favorite song is "My God is an awesome God" too. She loves it and I love to hear her sing it.

I am happy to hear that things are looking up for you. I added you to my favorites and I WILL check every day. :-)