We are having revival this week at church. Bro Ben has been doing a wonderful job getting us ready. We are striving for personal revival. He described revival as "Not when the top blows off, but when the bottom drops out." I didn't understand at first. I am learning quick. I am really concentrating on my prayer life, unrepented sin, and complete focus on Jesus. It was great, because our Beth Moore study last night focused on Prayer. It was such an inspiration. I am loving that too. I am also reading, and following closely I might add, a great book "Returning to Holiness" by Dr Gregory Frizzel. It is pointing out the sins that keep us from Jesus. The things you don't realize are sin is very humbling. But the feeling of repenting for all those sins and being free from them is miraculous. This week will be the great start of a new me!
As we lift up Your name
Let Your fire fall
Send Your wind and Your rain
On Your wings of love
As we lift up Your nameLet Your kingdom come
Have Your way in this place
Let Your will be done
Pour out from HeavenYour passion and presenceBring down
Your burning desire
Revival fire fallRevival fire fallFall on us here
With the power of Your Spirit Father, let revival fire fall
Revival fire fallRevival fire fall
Let the flame consume us
With hearts ablaze for JesusFather, let revival fire fall